
Buzz Buzz


About Meh!!

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Bee! I use They/He/It/Buzz pronouns and I am nonbinary trans masc.
I like...people

I am very much a neurodivergent, which means my brain just processes things in a funky way

Because of this, I use tone indicators as well as body language to tell the meaning or to understand what people are saying.


These are most of my interests and hobbies!
(can and will change)

  • DND

  • Minecraft

  • Singing

  • Theatre

  • Art (Drawing both Traditional and Digital)

  • Annoying the rest of BC (/hj)

My Tics!

For new viewers, hi! I have tics which means I make involuntary movements and noises at random times.

There are triggers for some tics. Bookclub knows about these tics and know when and when not to trigger them. However some of these tics can be vulger so if that bothers you, haha, heres the door.

Fuck You!!

As I do not want to have a panic attack whilst on stream or call, here is a list of triggers for myself!

More may be added and some might be deleted but please be respectful!!

  • Medical Talk (Unless I start it directly)

  • Loud Noises

  • Yelling